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Hello Brothers and Sisters,

Summer is in full swing. Hopefully none of you were affected by any of these storms we have been receiving. Please stay aware during these storms and don’t take any unnecessary risks. Be aware of flooded roads, down power lines ,or if cleaning up trees the potential for it to kick back at you.

Brookfield- Review of a possible change to the LTD max benefit. More to follow.

Montour- They are in the testing phase of getting ready for gas on both units.

Working on some possible settlements on old grievances. Also an arbitration date offered for one pending as well.

Brunner- Unit 3 is back online after the fire. They are at reduced capacity. Waiting on parts to get the unit back to full load capability. Both units 1 and 2 online as well.
We have a few ongoing grievances and a few new ones scheduled to arbitration.

I would like to take the opportunity to remind our members if we see something not aligned with the contract or that is questionable to get your local steward or chief steward involved. Also feel free to call me with any questions or concerns as well. We are here to fight for you!

Enjoy the great weather and keep up the good work!!

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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