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Hello Brothers and Sisters,

It has been extremely hot lately making outdoor working conditions difficult.  Drinking plenty of water and taking breaks helps keep you safe in these extreme conditions.

I have been getting a lot of calls regarding the Talen Bankruptcy.  The process is moving along without any impact to benefits, pay and pension.  The Montour gas project is underway.

At PPL we have 2 classes Lineman Trainees at Walberts Training Center.  A total of 28 trainees are being trained for their careers as lineman and we welcome every one of them.

There are many items being worked on such as the Material Department M.A. which was rejected back in 2020 & 2021.  Hopefully the parties can iron out the issues with mutual gains to both.

Congratulations to Brookfield negotiating committee and our members on ratifying a new contract.

Be safe,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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