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Happy New Year Sisters & Brothers! I hope all had an enjoyable Holiday Season,

• On the PPL side of business, we are still discussing the impacts of the closing of Carbondale and Marion Heights Service Centers. Grievances have been filed in case talks fail. The Company has been honoring transfers which is helpful to our workers, but our position has not changed regarding the Placement Process.

• Safety Forums are scheduled for E.U. I plan on attending several.

• I will be planning to visit Montour in the near future to meet with Chris Rinaldi Plant Manager who replaced John Weeks, just a meet and greet type meeting. I hope to get to our other plants for updates on how we are doing with safety, performance and general information.

• With everything going on in the world today stay alert, be aware of your surroundings and if you see something say something!

Be safe on and off the job.
In Solidarity
Frank E. G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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