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Hello Sisters and Brothers.  We have experienced some extremely hot days this summer, stay hydrated and take time to cool off when you need to.  We all know how hot the interior of vehicles can get, I just saw on the news a Postal Worker cooked a steak to 142 degrees internal temperature on the dashboard of his mail truck in Arizona, he didn’t cook it for his lunch, he did it to prove it’s a hazardous working condition. Point well made.  Use caution when putting children in car seats, the seats get hot, so do the metal buckles and that could burn the little one’s bare skin. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

In PPL we have a lot going on.  Our staff met the new Director of Supply Chain, Bill Petit. We had good open discussions and took the opportunity to share issues our Material Handlers and Helpers are dealing with.  We look forward to working with Bill in an effort to make improvements.

A big thank you to the outgoing group of safety advocates, Josh Bell, Corey Bryant, Dylan Gassler, Rich Hetro, Bryan Kinsley, Tom Mallonee, Paul Martin, Ron Paulus and Joe Wenger.  Great job guys!

Welcome to the new group of Bargaining Unit Safety Advocates (BUSA) Galen Flewelling, Jason Roberts, Andy Hetro, Paul McMynne, Kurt Zwiebel, Mike Burger, Thad Coleman, Charlie Daczka and Tim Diehl. Good luck Brothers and thank you for volunteering.  For those who have not had the opportunity yet keep volunteering as canvasses come out, you can’t get the opportunity if your name isn’t on the volunteer list.

A PPL E.U. quarterly meeting is scheduled for August 15that Local 1600.  This meeting will update us on safety, grievance data, RBP data, work processes and work methods and general discussion on open issues.  Some of our issues for discussion will be: callouts, contractors, flagging, retaining workers and morale just to mention a few.

In Talen we have a scheduled meeting August 14thto discuss all the open issues Brother Webb mentioned in his article. Later that same day we will meet at Talen headquarters to discuss options for retiree medical costs in hopes of reducing that cost to our retirees.

At Montour Mark Gulliver is the new Bargaining Unit Safety Human Performance Advocate, (BUSHPA).  Best wishes to you Brother and thank you for volunteering.

Officers/Unit Meeting Training is scheduled August 13that Local 1600.  Steward training is being worked on and should be scheduled this fall.

Be safe out there!

In Solidarity,

President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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