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Already August…summer is flying by.  Pretty soon, school will be starting along with many of the fall/school activities.  Make sure to add safety as one of the key activities.

Here are some items I’ve been working on

Ephrata Borough

A meet and discuss was held regarding the business office job descriptions.  The Borough has stated that there is no interest in changing/revising the job descriptions at this time.  In addition, we also touched on the low morale throughout the Borough.  Another meeting has been requested, with the Borough Manager.

Grievance meeting – an employee was given a written warning for a situation that occurred in the Waste Water plant, resulting in damaging the equipment.  The parties are currently working on a settlement.

One last item, it’s been brought to my attention that some Borough employees may not know who is a steward and their jurisdiction. A paper has been posted on the union bulletin boards with the steward’s name and jurisdiction.  It is as follows:

Chief Steward – Wendy Stover – Ephrata Borough in whole

Steward – Tim Auker – Public Works

Ron Fasnacht – Waste Water, Electric and Water

If you have a concern, question, comment and/or suggestion please see your local Steward/Chief Steward or contact the Union office at 1-800-342-5515.


19HAN-001 – Termination – the parties are currently negotiating a settlement.


The contract draft is in the process of being reviewed.  Once the review is completed and corrections made, it will be printed and distributed to the membership.

19COM-001 – Employee not reimbursed for expense of exterminating bed bugs – the parties are currently reviewing the expenses to determine an appropriate settlement.


CCC– There have been multiple GRMs centered around vacancies not filled at the CCCs and contractor use.  The Union has agreed to hold these grievances in abeyance pending the negotiations for the CCCs.

Drafting– we are approaching the final steps of agreeing to a revised drafting progression line.  The Union is waiting on the revised Company proposal for discussion with staff.

DSTT/DST/DT– First, thank you for your patience as we get closer and closer to a signed agreement.  We are waiting for the Company to provide clarification on Temporary Work Assignment language.  Once received and if agreed to, there will be a signed agreement.  Please keep checking the website for updates.

Last item for PPL, it’s been brought to my attention that the Company has sent letters to employees asking them to provide medical documentation prior to their return to work.  The letter states that not supplying this information could result in an employee not receiving their negotiated sick pay.  Please be advised that per Article VIII, Section 1, Paragraph E, “All medical certification is to be an original (e.g., no copies or fax) must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor or Company designee at the employee’s start time when the employee is cleared to return to work.”  If you receive a letter requesting medical certification prior to you being cleared to return to work, please contact me at the Local Union office.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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