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Team Susquehanna:

Below is the latest update issued from Nuclear Powers Pennsylvania (Talen Energy, Exelon and First Energy are partners in this effort) and how NPP is continuing the legislative fight and presence in social media to support Nuclear in the Commonwealth.

As you know, this becomes very personal when legislators begin making decisions about whether to value zero-carbon emitting Nuclear power like they value renewable energy sources and Natural Gas. It’s important that they remember the 16,000 high-paying jobs associated with Nuclear power production and the tax base Nuclear industry provides communities across the state.

This regular update will keep you informed on the progress we’re making. Talen Energy Management and IBEW Local 1600 stand shoulder-to-shoulder in this fight and we’re going to need your voice to make sure our legislators get that message loud and clear.

Kevin Cimorelli
Site Vice President
Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC

Frank E. Graboski
IBEW Local 1600

Hello friends –

We’re pleased to reach out with details about the first steps taken at the State Capitol to properly value Pennsylvania’s nuclear energy industry.

Earlier today, State Senators Ryan Aument, Lisa Boscola, Mike Folmer, John Gordner, Elder Vogel, Jr., John Yudichak and State Representative Tom Mehaffie introduced co-sponsor memos that propose updating a 2004 law called the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS). AEPS was designed to foster economic development and encourage the use of more diverse and environmentally friendly sources of energy, yet it excludes the one source of energy – nuclear power – that provides 93 percent of the Commonwealth’s zero-carbon electricity.

First detailed in the Bicameral Nuclear Energy Caucus report released late last year, reforming AEPS is an achievable legislative plan to help address a fundamental flaw in our state’s energy market.

Speaking recently to Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Andy Maykuth, NPP leaders asserted the importance and positive impact nuclear power has across the Commonwealth. Among other things, our state’s nuclear fleet provides thousands of Pennsylvanians with quality, well-paying jobs and stabilizes our energy grid. That means reliable, affordable and always-on electricity year round, which is especially important in these frigid winter months (read more in the article here.)

“Pennsylvania is the second-largest nuclear power-producing state. We have been leaders in this industry for years and so it’s encouraging to see our lawmakers matching that with their own leadership. Much work remains, but we are encouraged by this important step forward.” –Martin Williams, NPP Co-Chair and Business Manager of Boilermakers Local 13 in Philadelphia

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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