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Hello Sisters and Brothers of IBEW Local 1600! It’s the Holiday Season, time for shopping, gathering with family and friends while celebrating Christmas. Everyone at the Hall is busy as usual with grievance meetings, arbitrations and discussions on various topics such as the PPL EU Shift concept. Although it’s taking time, remember good things take time. We want a good product and Rusty along with his team is all over it! The General Office folks have all been handled and, in my opinion, it was a win win for both parties once we had the path agreed to, Jane executed the plan and worked diligently with the company to get folks where they needed to be. Although some members got to retire with enhanced benefits from the General Office and Talen’s Plants, we anticipate some lineman trainee classes next year which will bring up membership numbers. Gene and Ron continue to represent fossil and nuclear very well. This entire Staff will be attending the IBEW 3rd District Workshop in Atlantic City in January looking to share contract information for future negotiations along with arbitration cases.

In closing, I wish you all a safe, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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