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Hello Brothers and Sisters. Last month I mentioned Talen was offering a One-Time Voluntary Retirement Program for various job titles at our fossil plants, my job at Montour was included therefore, I accepted and will retire from Talen Energy December 1, 2023. I will remain Local 1600’s President for a period of time to be determined. I know I will not fill the entire 3-year term but will make certain our staff is in a good place before I leave.

The General Office Complex closure is moving along, there are some enhanced retirement and severance packages along with positions being offered. This will take time to complete so please be patient.

The 2023 Union election is complete. President Graboski, VP Clausius, Treasurer Jane Biever and Recording Secretary Donna Kancsal were unopposed.
Unit – 7 Executive Board winner is Dave Lucas, Unit – 8 Executive Board winner is Kevin Neiles. Delegates to the convention are Ron Webb, Jane Biever, Gene Lettich, Rachel Smith, John Clausius and Ken Andreas. Alternate delegates to the convention are Ryan Harris and Ken Witmer.

Special thanks to Wendy Stover and Brad Wallize for serving on the Executive Board. Also, thank you to Judge of Elections Steve McAfee and tellers Evan Smith, Robert Rodrigues, Jason Titus, Dean Parsons, Heidi Showalter, Steve Daugherty, Tina Dent and Nick Krecker. Great Job!

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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