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As summer comes to a close and fall quickly approaches, many of us change gears.  I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer.

Here are some of the issues I’ve been working on since my last article.
Ephrata Borough
Business Office – the parties met to discuss potential changes to the Customer Service Rep job classification and work distribution. At this time the Borough is not interested in any changes to the current job description.
Electric Department – MA 23EPH-003 – Temporary Change in Work Hours will end on 9/10/23 and the Electric Department will resume the 8 hours/5-day work week. A request was sent to the Borough for a review of the Temporary Change. Updates will be provided after the review.

Grievance Resolution Meeting
22LEH-007 – A reconvene was held regarding Distribution Techs/Distribution Service Techs performing Sr. Tech Clerk work.
20GO-008 – A reconvene was held regarding management and contractor performing Relay Protection Tech work – We currently waiting for information.
20GO-009 – A reconvene was held regarding management and contractor performing Relay Protection Tech work – We currently waiting for information.
23LEH-009 – Termination – Employee terminated for allegedly sleeping at her desk for a minute or two. A reconvene was held on 8/22/23. A proposal was given to the Company to reinstate no back pay. The company has sent a counter which the Union is reviewing.
23NE-001 – RBP – Employee got 1 day DML and 2 years for payroll discrepancy – Settled RBP reduced.
23LEH-017 – RBP – Employee got 1 year for allegedly disconnecting a customer call – Settled RBP reduced.

CCC – The billing crisis continues but has been significantly reduced in volume. The remaining work is complex and lengthy due to requiring mostly manual adjustments and the amount of time to make those adjustments. Mandatory overtime continues in this department. However, that has also been reduced to Monday and Tuesday only. There are still multiple grievances with regards to management performing BU work when BU was not working. The parties have tried to come to a settlement. However, not all are settled. The open grievances will proceed through the process.

Clerical – There continues to be concerns regarding clerical staffing throughout the PPL territory. As Steno/Clerks leave, the Company does not fill the vacancy. When questioned by the Union, the response is consistently that the work has been moved to a remaining steno/clerk with no impact on work volume, it’s been automated or has been eliminated. Stenos, your help is needed. Please compile a list of any and all tasks you perform throughout the day/week/month/year and send it to me. This will make our inquiries much more thorough.

One final note, I know many of you are waiting to hear about what will happen with the GO relocation to Two City Center in Allentown. Local 1600 is waiting for a response from the Company.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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