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Hello Sisters and Brothers.  Spring has many meanings, the end of winter, the Easter Holiday and to power plant workers OUTAGES!  Generating units have scheduled shutdowns to perform maintenance.  This usually involves a lot of work to be completed in a small-time frame of a few weeks.

Our Susquehanna Nuclear Station Unit- II is offline for its 22nd refuel and inspection outage.  Montour’s Coal Unit-II is wrapping up their outage which included replacing reheater lower loops which will improve unscheduled shut downs.  The gas conversion is still a work in progress.  Unit-I will be entering an outage at the end of the month.  Brunner Island is finishing their outage on Unit-I then rolls into Unit- II and Unit- III outages.  Martins Creek Unit 3 is wrapping up its outage.  Having said all that it requires a lot of hard-work and long hours but our folks always rise to the occasion and bring their ”A game” working in a safe, productive manner providing quality work!

On the PPL front, our line workers have been super busy due to mother nature.  We are hoping for a break so everyone can recharge.  Our Contact Center folks are working overtime due to the billing issue.  I know first-hand how stressful mandatory overtime can be.  Not only does it impact you, but it impacts your family.  This is a

temporary situation, certainly not the norm and hopefully it gets resolved soon.  I am confident you will all put in your best effort to help the company get through this because that’s what workers from IBEW Local 1600 do!

Stay Safe and have a Happy Easter

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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