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November already…I can smell the Turkey! With the Holidays soon approaching please keep safety in the forefront. When preparing your ‘feast’ please make sure your foods are cooked and stored properly. When preparing your home, make sure you check that your decorations are in good working condition for example no frayed cords and keeping cords and decorations away from heat registers. Most of all, patience for the increased travel, unexpected guests, and long lines in the stores.

Here are some items I’ve been working on:

Ephrata Borough
Electric Department Meet & Discuss – A Meet & Discuss was held to discuss the following:
Meter Reading Support – Currently there’s an agreement where the business office personnel would provide support. However, after further discussion the parties agree that Public Works would be better suited an agreement will be drafted and sent to the Borough for review and signature.
Wastewater Plant 2 Sludge Removal – it was brought to the Local’s attention that the farmer that takes the sludge from Plant 2 would using Borough equipment to load the sludge. A copy of the settlement that arose from the arbitration of Wastewater performing these duties was provided to the Borough, where it states that Wastewater will perform these duties. The Borough will review and respond.
Overtime – It was mentioned about the “7-minute rule” which is if an employee, not assigned to standby, is contacted when off duty to answer a work question if it’s less than a 7-minute discussion the minimum allowance does not apply. There is no formal agreement regarding this process, it has been past practice. The parties agreed to formalize this process in writing.

CCC – A proposed agreement was sent to the Company in May 2022, regarding residency, training and vacation.  Upon the last inquiry, the Company has advised that they will be sending a counter shortly.
System Shops – the agreement revising the System Shops progression line was explained and voted on Friday, 10/28/22.  There are not changes to the duties or rates of pay for the current staffing in System Shops.  The current Electricians 1/C and Leader will assume a new job title.  The Company will be filling 4 vacancies in this department.
Grievance Resolution Meetings – There has been a lull in scheduling GRMs and Mediations.  However, they are now picking up.  The following GRMs are scheduled to be heard within the next 30 days:
21SUS-001 – Management doing BU work
21SUS-009 – Steno vacancy not filled
22SUS-009 – Discipline
22NE-002 -Vacancy not filled CSA3
22NE-003 – Vacancy not filled CSR
22NE-006 – Mandatory OT
22NE-007 – Vacancy not filled Steno General
22NE-008 – Vacancy not filled Sr CSR

In addition, the following grievances are scheduled for Mediation with the next few weeks:
19LEH-020 – Dress code
20LEH-021 – Missed Overtime
21LEH-005 – Missed Overtime
20CEN-016 – Displacement

Healthcare Committee – The Healthcare Committee had their first meeting on October 17th.  The bargaining unit committee members are Jess Bechtel, Mike Sedora, Mike Wolpert, Jane Biever and Mike Mannix.  There was information provided by Towers Watson with regards to the cost of medical/script use at PPL.  Information has been requested.  In addition, we will make every effort to meet quarterly beginning in the new year.

One final note, the PPL contracts are at the printers.  However, due to supply chain issues, it’s taking longer than normal to receive the printed books.  In the meantime, PPL has posted an electronic copy on their HR site.  As soon as the books are done, they will be distributed.  Thank you for your patience.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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