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It’s June and spring has finally sprung?  Yes, a delayed response in the warmer weather but it is coming.  Please keep safety in the forefront when doing any outdoor activities.  Below are some of the issues I’ve been working on.

Ephrata Borough

  • It was brought to my attention that the One Time Cash Payment was included with the employee’s check, although the Summary of Agreement stated a separate check.  The Borough offered the option of correcting this with a separate check or to let it go and have it cared for at the end of the year, when the employee files their taxes.  It was an employee choice.
  • The contract review is just about complete and will be ready for printing.  Once it’s printed it will be delivered to the Borough for distribution.
  • It was mentioned at the monthly Unit meeting to negotiate with the Borough to provide an allowance for safety shoes and safety glasses.  We are currently looking into this.



  • Facilities Management is in the process of establishing an EHS committee specifically for this work group.
  • A special ‘shout out’ to Melinda Confair, Facilities Tech III Susquehanna Region, she has been instrumental in establishing a recycling program that converts recyclable items into useable items, in this case a bench.  The first bench was earned/donated in April and is located Castanea on the Rails to Trails.  The 2nd bench is just about earned.  Way to go Melinda!!!


Discussions have begun for vacation, training and residency requirements at the CCCs.

The overuse of contractors for the CCC is still a big issue.  The Company has been following the judges ruling, regarding the Arbitration Award received in June 2017.   Currently the BU staffing is above the contractor staffing.  However, I’ve recently been informed that the contractor is increasing their staffing by 40 people.  We are looking this.

System Shops

The Company approached Local 1600 to negotiate a new progression line.  So far, we’ve met with the Company 3 times.  We are currently waiting for a revised proposal from the Company.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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