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Summer is here, warm weather, going on vacation or just enjoying time off outdoors. Whatever you choose to do this summer, please keep safety in the forefront of your mind.

Some things that I am working on,
Montour –
Issue with calling out storeroom employees during off hours. Grievance settled favorably.

Brunner Island –
Company changing individuals’ schedules temporarily, however not following language in the CBA. In grievance.
Management doing Bargaining Unit work. Three separate instances, all in grievance.

Holtwood –
Had Federal Mediation for contractors working hand in hand with Holtwood employees. This issue is settled.
Contract negotiations will be starting soon. Surveys are out to our members, please fill out and return them.

Service Tech’s –
Exccessive RBP – Settled in complaint, RBP reduced from 12 months to 6 months.

Most of our plants are short handed and people are being asked to do more with less. If you feel overwhelmed with your workload, talk to your supervisor to prioritize the work and most of all, work safely, do not get into a rush, or cut corners.

Keep up the good work,
In Solidarity,

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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