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Hello Sisters and Brothers of IBEW Local 1600. The contract for the Borough of Ephrata has been ratified by the members. We are working on getting the contract book reviewed and out to the printer. As soon as we have new contract books, we will distribute them accordingly.

The PPL negotiations are complete, after five days of talks the parties reached agreement on Saturday 2/20/22 at 4 am! Our negotiating team spent the week of 2/28/22 traveling across the regions hosting explanation meetings. Votes will be counted on 3/21/22. Please support your negotiating team, everyone put in long hours away from home and families. We all worked hard to reach this Summary of Agreement, therefore a big Thank You is well deserved. Team members were myself, VP Rusty Clausius, Rep. Jane Biever, Rep. Mike Mannix, Josh Peters, Mike Sedora, Steve Daugherty, Nick Krecker, Ken Andreas, Donna Kancsal, Jess Bechtel, Tina Dent and Ellen Maisonet.


Brookfield Energy is our next contract negotiations we are ramping up for. The contract expires 8/27/22.

Besides all the contract negotiations we still have day to day business to run. Grievances, arbitrations and ongoing meetings to address issues that are still causing us pain in the field. One day at a time!

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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