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Hello Sisters and Brothers,

While fall is upon us with all the joys that are associated with it (hunting season , Halloween, Thanksgiving  ) etc.…  I hope we all have a safe and enjoyable fall season and take a few moments to ensure that safety is never overlooked.

Current items.


Meal arbitration was held on September 22 and the company requested another day of Arbitration be scheduled. As they felt there would not be enough time for their witnesses to be able to give their testimony. So, the Arbitrator set the date of Nov 5th as the next date available. The testimony given by the union was (in my opinion ) very good and showed the position very clearly as to why the company not paying the meals was in violation of the contract.   More to follow after the next hearing date.

Prep for arbitration of a termination will be conducted this month.


Issue of change of scheduled has been resolved and the employees were paid the .5 for all hours worked on the first changed shift which was the first ST day.

Second steps:

Unjust Termination (Martins Creek )

Employee made to use mini for Intermittent FMLA

Improper Overtime assignment

Improper use/ denial of INJON

Company violating contract for procedure of schedule selection.

Unfortunately the company running with less then optimal staffing levels is leading to many disagreements and the assignment of unwanted (Forced) overtime being handed out like it was candy on Halloween.

The increased use of contractors and the consistent shove it down your throat mentality the company chooses to employ only goes to show how far we have fallen back to the ways things were 30 plus years ago.  While striving to get to a level of cooperation that both sides could enjoy took years upon years to achieve, once again the adage of “ those that don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it “ has never seemed closer to being on point then would be considered right now. We will continue to work towards a better general work environment until the disagreements are 180 degrees turned around from where they are now.

We the members of IBEW LOCAL 1600  must stand together , lookout for one another and demonstrate what it means to be a part of a Union and the best work force there could be.

In solidarity,

Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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