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Hello Sisters & Brothers of IBEW Local 1600.

We have two classes of Steward training scheduled this month for Talen and PPL Stewards.  Local 1600 reps and the International trainer will be hosting this training.


  • I recently completed some training myself. I requested Unescorted Access to our Susquehanna Nuclear Plant, I went through the required training and background checks and received my UA.  I haven’t been on site since 2009 when I was the Nuclear Business Rep.  I look forward to visiting the site and seeing old friends, Sisters and Brothers and some new ones also.
  • I have hopes of getting out with one or two of our PPL Safety Advocates before the end of the year.
  • The Comcast contract is being sent to our Union Printer, once they are completed, we will get them distributed.


  • 9/3/19 – Executive Board Meeting.
  • 9/4/19 – VP Rusty Clausius and I attended the PPL E.U. Safety Summit at the Holiday Inn, Breinigsville, PA.
  • 9/9/19 – Chief Stewards Meeting.
  • 9/10,9/11,9/12 – Attended the IBEW 3rdDistrict Progress Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.Topics were safety, training, organizing and exercising your American right to VOTE in elections and knowing where the candidate stands regarding labor and the middle class working families.
  • 9/13/19– M. – Myself and VP Clausius attended the Level-III Safety meeting at Walbert.

     P.M.– VP Clausius, Rep Jane Biever and I visited the Lehigh Customer Contact Center to support their success in attaining            paperless enrollment goals. Scranton Customer Contact Center was also included in achieving the goal, but I was unavailable the date they celebrated.

  • 9/19/19– Myself, VP Clausius and Rep Jane Biever met with PPL representatives Bill Petite and Ashley Tripp to discuss options to improve the material department, explore ways to become more efficient and take on more work from contractors.
  • 9/23/19– Reported to the Susquehanna APF and West Building to attain my Unescorted Access to the Plant.
  • 9/24/19– Myself, VP Clausius and Rep Mike Mannix visited Talen Energy Tower 6 in Allentown, PA. to have discussions with Talen representatives Ralph Alexander, Ryan Price and Jason Usher.The conversation centered around the status of Talen, the issues regarding clean energy and the overall status of generation moving forward.
  • 9/30/19– Reported to Susquehanna APF for additional testing requirements for Unescorted Access.


Be safe out there!

In Solidarity

Frank E. G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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