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Sisters & Brothers,
For those that don’t know me, my name is Ron Webb and most people just call me Webby. I am the new Business Rep. with Local 1600. I will be covering Martins Creek, Lower Mount Bethel and the Susquehanna Nuclear Plant. I have held many positions during my time in the Union, which first started in 1991 thru 1995 as a Spec. Temp. for the construction & logistics departments at the SFC. I resumed in 2006 thru the present in which I held positions from building maintenance, ground hand, Handyman Effluents and F.S. Electrical unattached roster. I went through the last displacement where I ended up bumping into Electrical Maintenance as a Journeyman Electrician. Through out years I have worked at many plants & locations from Sinking Springs, Lehigh Service Center, Tannersville Service Center, Scranton Service Center, Brunner Island, Montour, Holtwood and Susquehanna Nuclear Plant.

I have been a Union Steward for about 11 years and have had the pleasure to serve on the E-Board. I look forward to the new challenges of the Business Rep. position. Speaking of which I would like to send out a well-deserved Thank You to Mark Schwartz for the years of dedicated service he gave the Union and the members of Local 1600. His guidance helped to make my transition to Business Rep. go as smooth as possible. I hope he enjoys a very long and happy retirement.

Currently some of the issues we are dealing with are as follows:
Shift Differential
Change of Shift

These are only a few and I can say we are making progress.

In Solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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