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Hello Fellow Brothers and Sisters,
Hopefully we are closing in on the end of winter soon. Fortunately it wasn’t a very terrible one so far. January was on the busy side. We had a Arbitration held on a FMLA issue, two arbs that were settled before hearings, one withdrawal due to legal opinion, and some step two grievances at Brunner. Also the announcement of Montour offering some more retirement packages. We are waiting to hear back on final head count after the packages are given out. Unfortunately the Company hasn’t told us that number as to know what will need to happen next.

Montour Update – Unit 2 running on coal to burn up the pile. Unit 1 available if needed. Working through the lists for the volunteer retirements. No current grievances or arbitration dates at this time.
Brookfield Update – 12 units running, and 2 in an outage. No current Grievances or arbitrations.
Brunner Update – Unit 1 available Units 2 and 3 in an outage. We have a meeting scheduled to further discuss two second step grievances. One is due to changing Schedules.

As we close out winter still stay focused on the cold days for the potential weather related injuries. Don’t get caught off guard.

Gene Lettich

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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