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Hello Sisters and Brothers,
As the holiday season approaches, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. With the demands of our jobs taking up much of our time, it is the holiday time with family and friends that seems to go a little bit faster than we would like but we do so enjoy.

To all of our members that take part in the annual hunting season I hope everyone enjoyed the time to get out and seek some much-needed time to unwind and hopefully expected results were found by all.

We continue to see the use of RBP excessively and unjustly, it has become the “go to” action for any issue. We will continue to fight this policy when it is unnecessarily used and when excessive !

At this time, we have several issues going through the process relating to unjust or excessive RBP.

Unjust termination.

Improper filling of vacancy’s.

job description changed without union notification.

Continue to push AAA (arbitration services) to get outstanding cases scheduled.

On going issues with the DER work and contracting out
Continued discussions on the back shift for the line dept. (this has been going in the right direction) for the last few meetings and I hope this continues. More meetings are scheduled in the immediate future.
Staffing levels continue to be a topic of discussion.
Contracting out of the RF work.
I will close with wishing everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !

In solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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