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Material MA

On August 4th the Union and Company held a joint explanation meeting at the SFC to review the Material MA with our Members. Ballots were counted on 8/14/23 with our Members accepting the revised Material Progression Line. Your Team Members Jane Biever, Tina Dent and Keith Crockford worked hard to get to this Memorandum of Agreement  for you to vote on. Thank you, TEAM, for your hard work and dedication. Below is a snapshot of the MA.

Initial pay raises for Helpers -RM- Material.

Our Helpers-RM-Material will change to Material Worker Trainee Incumbent and will promote automatically to Material Worker.

Future vaccinees in the Material Worker Trainee positions will promote automatically to Material Worker.

The Union and Company will establish a joint team to design and develop the training curriculum.

Temporary BU Trainer/Trainers to support delivery of formal and on-the-job training.

Our next step will be to establish our joint team to design and develop the training curriculum.

Take care and stay safe,

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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