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Hello Brother and Sisters!  Summer is upon us with really nice weather so far. Ticks appear to be really bad this year so check yourself and your pets after outdoor activities.  Use appropriate tick repellant to prevent incidents.

I had the opportunity to meet Talen’s new CEO Mac McFarland.  The meeting took place at the Susquehanna Nuclear Station and also attending were, VP John Clausius, Rep. Ron Webb, Rep. Gene Lettich and CNO Brad Berryman.  It was a simple meet and greet type meeting.  We agreed to meet once every six months to discuss current affairs, new business or anything we feel we need to discuss which I very much appreciate.

I was successful settling an old Montour Sender/Receiver grievance while our new Business Rep. Gene Lettich settled the Brunner Island case.  These cases were submitted to arbitration years ago but were never given a hearing date even though we harped on the American Arbitration Association over and over.  Hopefully we can keep discussions going and work through more cases.  Great job Gene!

The new PPL Safety Advocates list is being finalized.

The billing situation at PPL is still ongoing at the Customer Contact Centers.  Our folks are working hard to turn it around.  Our Business Rep. Jane Biever along with our Chief Steward and Stewards have their hands full hosting members complaints regarding overtime, contractors and managers performing Bargaining Unit work but they are working through the issues.

The Lineman Rodeo is June 16th and 17th at the City View Park, 700 Poplar Street, Hazleton PA.  Come out and support our Brothers and Sisters.

Stay Safe,

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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