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Hello Sisters and Brothers,

Grievance Resolution Meetings

22-CEN-005 Vacation denied due to business needs. (Material) In abeyance pending discussions with the Company.

22-CEN-006 Vacation denied due to business needs. (Material) In abeyance pending discussions with the Company.

22-CEN-007 Vacation denied due to business needs. (Material) In abeyance pending discussions with the Company.

22-CEN-008 Member received a 5-Day DML. (Lines) Submitted to Federal Mediation.

22-CEN-009 Member received a 5-Day DML. (Lines) Working on a settlement agreement.

22-CEN-010 Member received a 5-Day DML. (Lines) Submitted to Federal Mediation.

22-CEN-012 Management performing B.U. work. (Material) In abeyance pending discussions with the Company.

22-HBG-021 Termination (Lines) GRM scheduled 2/8/23. Working on a settlement agreement.

22-HBG-001 Company required doctors note for 2nd occurrence. (Lines) Federal Mediation was held on 2/28/23. Submitted to arbitration.

22-HBG-002 Company required doctors note for 1st occurrence. (Lines) Federal Mediation was held on 2/28/23. In abeyance pending the arbitration decision on 22-HBG-001.

21-LEH-010 Improper use of paid time off for COVID. (Material) Working on a possible settlement.

21-LEH-050 Improper use of paid time off for COVID. (Lines) In abeyance till we receive arbitrator ruling on 20-LEH-026 that was held on 1/18/23. Working on a possible settlement.

22-LEH-010 Management performing B.U. work. (Electrical Test) In abeyance pending information from the Company.

21-SUS-007 Improper use of paid time off for COVID. (Material) In abeyance till we receive arbitrator ruling on 20-LEH-026 that was held on 1/18/23. Working on a possible settlement.

22-SUS-005 Unsatisfactory Performance Review. (Material) In abeyance, Company reviewing the Union’s offer to settle.

22-SUS-006 Contractors worked storm and Linemen not utilized. In abeyance waiting on information from the Company.

22-SUS-010 Discipline. (Material) Submitted to Federal Mediation.

22-SUS-013 Management performing B.U. work. (Material) In abeyance pending discussions with the Company.

22-SUS-014 Management performing B.U. work. (Electrical Test) In abeyance pending information from the Company.

22-SUS-019 Member not allowed to attend Safety Summit. (Troubleman) In abeyance, working on a possible settlement.

22-SUS-021 Company refused to remove callout charges while our Member was out on his sick time to care for a family member. (Lines) In abeyance waiting on information from the Company.

Material MA
We met with the company on 3/27/23 to discuss the MA. We are awaiting the Company’s counter proposal so we can proceed forward.

Linemen Shift
We met with the Company on 3/23/23 to discuss the MA. The Company is still reviewing our counter proposal that they received from us on 11/16/22. We are awaiting the Company’s counter proposal so we can reconvene our discussions.

Transmission Sub Work
We met with the Company on 2/10/23 to discuss what they implemented on 1/1/23. We requested a complaint meeting on behalf of all Members.
Take care,

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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