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Hello Sisters and Brothers.

It is that time again for the refuel outage at SSES. And with that comes the long hours and days for which many of our members will be scheduled to work. It is at these times when stress and fatigue play their biggest part , also at these times it is when it is the perfect opportunity to watch out for each other more so then we do on a regular basis. We all know it is when we are watching out for each other it is when we all succeed   And as in the past it is when our Sisters and Brothers show the reason why we are the right choice for success !   I hope each and every member of SSES has a safe and event free outage.

There is no greater priority then safety.

Issues we are dealing with at this time:

Excessive RBP related to a prohibited item in a backpack

Excessive RBP related to improper claims of harassing or discriminatory actions

Excessive RBP related to issue of company claiming BU member was dishonest

Improper allotment of vacation time.

Preparing for Arbitration on a wrongful termination

Requested Arbitration on denied promotion

Requested Arbitration for Company claim member was dishonest as stated above.

We are pushing very consistently for the cases requested for arbitration to be scheduled. As always terminations take priority.

As far as our Brothers and sisters in PPL I look forward to meeting you all in the very near future.

I have requested GRMS on the outstanding issues that were being handled by Mike Mannix as he was actively working on possible resolutions to which the company no longer wishes to pursue those lines of resolution at this time.

I look forward to getting resolution In these matters and working with the members involved. I will keep you posted on these issues as they come up as we have several dates excepted to conduct the meetings at this time.

In Solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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