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As winter brings the cold ,snow and ice this season I hope we all stay vigilant in keeping ourselves and each other safe & sound while at work or at home. And in preparation of the upcoming outage at SSES.

During a recent conversation it was stated that the company may have to contract out some additional work due to the shortage of applicants for the upcoming outage. My statement was I understand the need for contracting out some work but it has always been and will continue to be the position of the union to keep all work in house. We are the ones with skin in the game on the outcome of an outage and the future success of the plant and the company. And the amount of contractors being used on a day to day basis across the fleet should be the best proof for the short fall of staffing. The cost of these contractors far exceeds the cost of our own work force per hour total compensation expenses.

Bottom line Their our plants and nobody takes better care of them then we do!!!

Issues at hand :

Excessive RBP

Unfair testing practices

Unpaid change of schedule

Issues of backpay for missed workday steps

Correct pay group correction has been completed without needing a grievance. Which is the way it should work and I hope to see more of in the future.

These are the latest issues and we still have the ongoing issues of STD delays. Lack of staffing in most areas and depts. And continued issues with equalization of overtime. And the amount of forced overtime on members due to staffing shortages.

On a progress perception- Triple A Arbitration ha begun to have forward movement in getting the outstanding cases on the docket and in front of an Arbitrator. Once completed I will post any rulings that are received on the website.

In solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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