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Hello Sisters and brothers

It is now outage season for the folks at SSES. While this outage will present the usual challenges that an outage brings, this year’s will be especially trying as most departments fell short in the area of hiring temporary manpower. While short handed we may be, we will continue to provide the level of work that has become a trademark of our workforce and our Station.

Please take the time to watch out for each other’s safety.

While the station is in outage, we have agreed to hold all first and second step grievances in abeyance pending conclusion. All complaint meetings and steps to get to first step meetings need to be within the timelines state in the CBA.

On a better note, I would like to welcome 2 new members that were sworn in at the Leigh/GO unit meeting last month:

Jason Romano
Jake Stauffer

A picture is included and I hope everyone takes a moment to welcome them aboard.

Presently the issue of the company taking peoples mini and vacation for sickness and FMLA related issues continues. While the CBA is clear on the topic and past practice supports this. The legal teams within the company try to find ways to twist the wording to mean something else or push the narrative that they wish to have support the way they would like to read it.  We will not concede nor will we back down from the rights our CBA gives. Rights that were agreed to in good faith…

On Going Issues:

Forcing of overtime on members due to shortage of manpower

Short term disability

Spec temps working longer then 9 months

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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