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Sisters and Brothers

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Easter, it is the unofficial start to spring in my book.

While the outage is active at SSES, we have agreed to hold all grievances going past being reduced to writing in abeyance pending the conclusion of the outage . this was to reduce the difficult nature of getting the issues scheduled with all the changes to shifts and schedules that are needed for the outage timeframe. Once back on line we will get any issues scheduled as soon as we can.

I want to thank the members for their dedication and efforts to make this outage as safe and successful as it possibly could be. Our membership is one of the best in the business at maintaining our plant and ensuring that we return to service with the confidence and expectation of a breaker to breaker run.

Issues at hand:


Not filling vacancies per the contract

Not properly paying spec. temps for the dept they are in and work they are doing


Posting schedules

Temporary change of schedules


These are some of the many issues that are in front of us at this time to name a few.

We have received dates from Triple A arbitration for the meal grievance and I have accepted all dates and transferred to our legal representative for his approval, once the date is locked in I will post that on the news letter as an update

In Solidarity

Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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