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As the Covid-19 virus continues to create havoc in our area and the entire country, it makes us all realize how much we depend on each other. We are essential workers on the front lines keeping the lights on, generating power supporting the business we work for.  We are being asked to do some things differently then we have become accustom to all in an effort to be able to perform our duties safely and efficiently. This is a crucial time for us and it is important we take care of each other, be proud to be a Union worker showing solidarity.  We have some departments that don’t have a lot of work due to the circumstances. Therefore, we made joint agreements for these folks to provide support in other departments in an effort to keep folks gainfully employed. I have been on conference calls with the International VP Mike Welsh and all the IBEW locals of the 3rddistrict which includes Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and Delaware.  For the most part our utility locals are doing the same things as we are.  New York was hit hard, Local 1049 has 300 positive cases to my knowledge we don’t have any members infected.  I hope and pray we continue safely.  Keep social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, exercising good common sense and most of all stay focused and be safe!


In Solidarity

Frank E. G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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