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Sisters and Brothers:

We are experiencing a National Emergency with the impacts of Covid-19 in every aspect of our lives, from work, attending school, childcare, visiting, shopping, sports, to everything we did during our normal blue-sky day. It is frightening to watch the news and see how contagious and fast spreading this invisible enemy is, but with all the information being televised and passed on by our companies we can protect ourselves and our families if we slow down and apply everything being offered to us such as hand washing , social distancing , cleaning door knobs, phones, keyboards, tools,  even simple tasks like opening the mail needs to be handled differently, wipe down the envelope or package, open it in one place, discard what isn’t needed, wash hands, and clean the area used to open that mail. It’s not easy because this is so different than what we are used to that’s why I suggested slow down. We have been working with all our companies in an effort to keep everyone working while maintaining safety and social distancing. We are doing some things that were never allowed in the past such as, working from home, taking company vehicles home, remote reporting, taking our temperatures at the start of a shift. Any idea that comes forth that may be helpful we are willing to discuss. So far it has been a joint effort of cooperation and reasonableness between the Companies and our Union. April Union meetings have been canceled. I have been in contact with our International Service Rep to be certain we are in compliance with our IBEW Constitution, Bylaws, and Officer duties while trying to conduct Union business. I ask that in these difficult times we remain focused, smart; protect yourself and those around you. Our Susquehanna Nuclear Station has started their outage; I offer best wishes to everyone participating for a safe outage. Prayers to all our workers and your families during these trying times. We will get through this together! UNITED WE STAND! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS THE IBEW!


In Solidarity,

President Frank E G

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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