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February already and still no snow (bummer).  Although no snow…yet, please be very aware of the weather conditions in your area.  Be extra careful when stepping outside, look for icy patches and proceed with care.  I hope everyone had an uneventful and easy glide into the New Year.

Below are some items I’ve been working on:

Ephrata Borough

Electric Department Meet & Discuss– An addendum was agreed to incorporating the AMP program into the Lineman program.  In addition, the job classification of Working Foreman has been negotiated to be a permanent position.

All Departments– The parties signed an agreement paying an employee making an authorized remote process control change a minimum of 1 hour of overtime pay.

Please see your local steward and/or chief steward to see these agreements.


The following grievances are scheduled to be heard on 2/11/20:

19COM-002 Contractors doing Maintenance Work

19COM-005 – Elimination of Night Shift

19COM-006 – Termination

19COM-007 – Termination


There have been multiple grievances for Steno/Clerk-General vacancies not being filled.  The issue has been settled with the Company agreeing to create a Specific-Temporary Steno/Clerk-General and has filled several vacancies with this position. This was agreed to, in an effort, to provide the Company with resources to get the work done while in the process of evaluating the workload pending some technological changes.

There have been grievances filed for bargaining unit members being placed on RBP for opening a Company initiated phishing email. Although the Union has made proposals to reduce the level of RBP and increase the training for cyber security, the Company has declined.  A couple these grievances are pending mediation.  I suggest to you, our members, if you receive any email that causes you to question the validity of the email (potential phishing) please DO NOT open the email and/or any attachments, forward the email to the phishing email ReportPhishing@pplweb.com


Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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