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Hello Sisters and Brothers of IBEW Local 1600.

The website is a work in progress and will continue to get better with more information as we move forward.  It may be taking longer than some of you may like but please understand the Staff at Local 1600 has priorities and the number one priority is representing you.  There are grievance meetings, arbitrations, negotiations, meetings with the companies on specific topics, the list goes on and on.  We do carve out time to work on information to get to Brother Elekes and will continue to do so.

I’m happy to announce that Brother Mark Schwartz, who served as a Business Rep for Local 1600 since 2014 retired effective May 1, 2019.  Mark was a loyal Union member his entire career and also served as a Union Steward at Susquehanna.  Best wishes to Brother Schwartz, enjoy retirement.

I welcome Brother Ron Webb to the Staff.  Ron comes from Talen Susquehanna Nuclear Plant where he was a Journeyman Electrician, Steward and also the Unit-7 Executive Board member.  Ron also served on the Talen negotiating committee.  His areas of responsibility will be Susquehanna, Martins Creek and Lower Mount Bethel.  Welcome aboard Brother Webb!

A lot of things happened while the website was offline.  One very notable item was a Settlement Agreement with PPL that was negotiated over not filling vacancies.  The SA created 2 new job titles, a Systemwide HVAC Technician (B12) and a Systemwide Electrician (B13).  The HVAC job netted 2 vacancies and the Electrician job 6 vacancies. Also negotiated were 6 promotions and 4 part-time Facilities Management Workers getting offered full time with benefits.  Five vacancies were declared for the Facilities Tech I position and $27000.00 in back dues to Local 1600 was paid.  This settlement resolved several grievances and arbitration cases.  This was a great experience for our team to accomplish and something to be proud of!  Our team consisted of myself, Jane Biever, Betsie Yackanicz, Keith Lambert and Mike Sedora.  It would not be fair not to mention the Company representatives Shawn Cappellano-Sarver and Ashley Tripp who bargained in good faith.  Thanks to all in this win/win resolution, let’s keep it going.

The WEEVE issues are being discussed and a plan is set in motion. Once we have some solid information we will post it.  I strongly feel once we come to an agreement in writing on some items on the table right now we will have momentum going in the right direction.  Stay tuned.

In Talen, discussions are taking place regarding retiree medical and options available to reduce those costs.  We are also discussing the Short-Term Incentive plan that was not available to us because it was not negotiated into our contract.  There are a lot of issues over language, some we may be able to work through with good dialog and some I am certain we will have to arbitrate. One thing we can all agree on is the legislation to reform the 2004 law called the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards (AEPS) to include Nuclear Power.  Nuclear Power provides 93% of Pennsylvania’s zero-carbon electricity. There are 16000 good paying jobs at our Pa Nuclear Plants, let’s keep them!  SUPPORT NUCLEAR POWER!  (http://www.nuclearpowerspennsylvania).


Remember Safety and Quality is the Union Way!

In Solidarity,

Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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