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Hello Sisters and Brothers

I want to start out by wishing everyone a very healthy and happy upcoming holiday season. May it be one you cherish for many years to come.

For all those members who partake in the annual hunting season, I wish you all the best of luck and just a friendly reminder that safety during the season is never more important then when trecking through the woods and hope everyone has a safe and productive season.

Next topic is the upcoming Talen contract for 2025, I have been asked over a dozen times if they are proposing another extension. We have received no request from the company to extend the contract as of the time of this newsletter. Rusty and I have proposed to the company starting earlier rather then latter to allow for both parties to have the best information available to try and reach an equitable and fair contract. Once dates and times are agreed upon, we will post that info on the web site for all the members to know the most up to date information. Please fill out any of the surveys you may receive or email the staff at the hall with any suggestions you may feel should be addressed.

Talen :
At this time the issues we are addressing are

Improper use of RBP

Excessive use of RBP

Taking of vacation when off sick and have no sick time left

Taking of mini in lieu of giving time off no pay

Changing job descriptions without negotiating the changes or cost of those changes

Improper use for time off due to a work-related injury. (not using Injon )

Still waiting for dates for long overdue arbitrations.

Changing job description and pay code after employee had completed the 6-month probationary period.
We were able to get a termination changed to a resignation through settlement

24-LEH-011 excessive RBP
Multiple issue around the foreign utility roster and expectations.

Issues of crisscrossing territory with the closure of PV

Issues with information being put out from management on members conduct incorrectly and disparagingly

On a better note the company’s have stated they would be hiring in many depts in the very near future and we have seen some of the beginnings of that with both companies addressing the shortage of staffing.

The staff at Local 1600 works to ensure that our members concerns are addressed and that they have a voice at the table. it was always told to me:
The staff is always looking to engage new groups to go union and with the support of the IO we work hard to try and show folks that in unity and numbers there is strength

One finale personal statement from me.
I feel it is our duty both as Union Workers and as an Americans to make sure we vote on election day. While I try to favor with my vote people that are labor friendly, I ask that you all go out and vote for your candidate. Neither party nor politics should ever dissuade a person from their constitutional duty.
Good luck to all !

In Solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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