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November already…I can smell the Turkey! With the Holidays soon approaching please keep safety in the forefront. When preparing your ‘feast’ please make sure your foods are cooked and stored properly. When preparing your home, make sure you check that your decorations are in good working condition, for example no frayed cords and keeping cords and decorations away from heat registers. Most of all, patience for the increased travel, unexpected guests, and long lines in the stores.

Here are some items I’ve been working on:

Ephrata Borough
Business Office
• An agreement was signed on 7/5/24 creating a progression line for customer service. A new position of Customer Service Billing Clerk has been created. This position will be responsible for processing accounts receivable, account payable, utility billing and other general office duties. This is a progression line promotable position.

• An agreement was signed on 7/5/24 creating an Operations Administrative Assistant job classification. This position is part time and supports Public Works, Electric and Water.

Public Works
• An agreement was signed on 7/11/24 revising the wage scale for the Equipment Operator position in Public Works. The new wage scale took effect on 7/15/24.

Electric Department
• An agreement was reached to revise the MA 08EPH-003 Mutual Aide. Going forward when mutual aide assistance is requested, the Electric Department may now seek qualified employees, Level 3 trainees or higher.

Safety Committees
• The borough held it’s inaugural “All Departments Safety Meeting” with a representative from each department included in this meeting. These meetings will be held quarterly.


• An agreement was reached between the parties defining productive and non-productive contractor time. The agreement requires the Company to provide revised contractor staffing numbers from 1/1/23 to current. Should the Company exceed the contractor ratio for one month they will pay LU1600 monthly dues for the excess FTE contractor staffing. We are waiting for this information.

• In my April newsletter, I made mention of multiple grievances at the CCC for employees receiving RBP for ‘excessive use of NINJF.’ As stated before, NINJF is an approved time off code (old Sick no pay). Most of these grievances have been settled with time in effect and no reference in the future. However, there is still one open grievance that is headed to mediation.

• Discussions are continuing with regards to open issues at the CCC. These discussions are bi-monthly and have been very helpful in creating a better working environment and relationship between PPL and IBEW Local 1600. We have found from these discussions that some of the issues/concerns are not CCC specific but are also inclusive of other work groups throughout the Company. The Company will be having similar discussions with other workgroups throughout the Company to get a better understanding of what’s working, what’s not working and what can our ‘collective heads’ do to resolve, rebuild and move forward.

• An agreement was signed creating a temporary position of Trainer – Logistics. This position will assist with the day-to-day training on equipment, processes, and procedures within Logistics at the SFC.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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