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Hello Sisters and Brothers! As time marches on and one door closes another door opens. Brother Mike Mannix retired after 39 years as an IBEW member, Mike served as a Chief Union Steward, Executive Board Member and lastly a Business Representative at Local 1600. Mike was instrumental in many contract negotiations, we will all miss Mike but wish him the best on his well-earned retirement. Replacing Mike will be Gene Lettich from Susquehanna Nuclear Plant, Talen Energy. Gene has 15 years’ service, he served as a Union Steward and Chief Union Steward, he was part of the Unattached Roster and then became rostered at the Susquehanna Nuclear Plant in the Maintenance Department. When Gene comes on fulltime as a Business Rep. his duties will include representing Brookfield Energy members, Montour and Brunner Island. Welcome aboard Gene!

While the Christmas storm was tough on our workers with frigid temperatures and gusty winds, we are facing another type of storm, “The Billing Storm.” Some type of glitch caused the system to perform estimated bills which resulted in customers receiving higher than normal bills, some extremely high. Well, this caused quite the uproar as you are all aware, social media, news, PUC even protests. All this funnels to one place, the Customer Contact Center! Our customer service reps. are on the receiving end of the calls from the angry, upset customers who can be very nasty at times. Their jobs are stressful on the phones on the best of days, now add a major debacle and it becomes a nightmare call. Our folks are well trained professionals and will get through this, but they will need to take a lot of deep breaths and time outs to deal with all this. It is during these times our Union members shine. We need to put forth a joint effort to right the ship! Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to your job we all appreciate it.

PPL contract books have been distributed if you have not received one, please contact your shop steward or the Union hall.

Brookfield contracts are printed and ready to be distributed.

In Solidarity,
President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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