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Already August…summer is flying by.  Pretty soon, school will be starting along with many of the fall/school activities.  Make sure to add safety as one of the key activities.

Congrats to all of the Troublemen, Journeymen, Trainees and Helpers that took part in the 2022 NSUJL Lineman Rodeo on June 18th.  From what I’ve heard, although it was cold (I heard very cold) and windy, it went off without a hitch and we even took home 1st place for individual speed climb and 2nd place for the team speed climb.  What you do is nothing short of amazing.  Congrats again!!!

Here are some items I’ve been working on

Ephrata Borough
Contract Books – By now, every Bargaining Unit member should have a copy of the new Labor Agreement.  If you haven’t received a copy, please see your local steward or contact me at the Local Union office (610-395-8167 option 3) or on my cell (610-554-8376).

22EPH-001 – A grievance has been filed for a member that was advised that they could not return to work until they were 100%.  A proposal was made to settle, at which the Company sent a counter.  We are currently reviewing the counter from the Company.

In relation to the above grievance, I do want to provide some advice, awareness, information, etc.  If an employee is going out on an extended illness/injury, please make sure that the treating physician is not only aware of your duties in your job description but what you do to perform those duties (i.e., climbing, lifting, bending, etc.).  This is very important in determining if an employee is given a doctor’s release to return to work with restrictions (light duty).  If an employee is able to return to work with restrictions, please provide the doctor’s note to your supervisor.  I strongly recommend that you keep a copy of this note for yourself as well.  As always, please put your health and wellness first.  You’re no good to anyone if you’re no good to yourself.  If there are any questions, concerns and/or comments please contact me.

Contract Books – we are just about ready to print the new CBA.  We will have one final review of the next proof and if all is good, it will go to print.  I’m hopeful that the new CBAs will be printed and delivered in early September.

CCC – In my June newsletter, I mentioned that discussions have begun regarding vacation, training and residency requirements at the CCC. A proposal was sent to the Company, and we are waiting for a response.

As far as, the Company’s requirement to honor the judges ruling, regarding the Arbitration award received in June 2017, the staffing as of the end of June is 120 BU to 144 Contractors.  The Company has until 12/31/22 to meeting the contractor ratio of more BU than contractors.

System Shops – We received the revised proposal from the Company regarding revisions to the Electrical Equipment Repair progression line.  We’ve reviewed the Company revisions and sent the Company a Union counter.

General Office – One last note, in October of 2021 the Company approached the Local regarding the possible reassignment of Distribution work from the GO to the Lehigh SC.  When discussed with the Company, we stated that Article X would apply.  In January of this year, we were made aware of that the Company did move BU members in Distribution at the GO to the Lehigh SC.  When I inquired with the Company, we were advised that the BU members did not move to Lehigh since the parties were unable to come to an agreement without invoking Article X.  As time passed, I received additional inquiries from more people regarding this move to the Lehigh SC.  I, again, inquired with the Company and was advised that  workstations for the BU members have been re-established at the GO.  I received a few calls yesterday and today that the BU members in the Transmission group have been told to pack up their things, they are moving to Lehigh.  We will now be inquiring by way of the grievance procedure.  I will keep you updated on the status.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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