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Hello Sisters and Brothers of IBEW Local 1600!  Looks like summer has finally arrived with the recent sunshine and warmer temps.  I have been attending Safety Forums across our PPL Regions, it’s great to be able to get out and see some of our members and celebrate their success in safety.  I plan on attending a safety celebration at our Talen Montour Power Plant in July, the folks there really turned things around in the past year. There have not been any OSHA recordables in a year, lets keep up the safe work!  A shout out to Brother Lenny Deppen who served as our first Safety Advocate at the plant, Great Job Brother Deppen and congratulations to all our folks working there and performing their duties safely. A canvass for the next safety advocate is underway. The Talen contracts have been distributed.  The Comcast contract is under review, once the review is complete it will be sent to a UNION print shop.  Mike Mannix and I plan on traveling to Holtwood to meet and greet the plant manager this month.


The annual Climbing for Lost Lineman Rodeo was held June 21st and 22nd.  This event raises money for the National Sisterhood United for Journeymen Lineman (NSUJL).  We had nine volunteers participate to represent Local 1600/PPL.  Ken Andreas a troubleman from Bloomsburg; Aaron Hartley a troubleman from Bloomsburg; Lynn Bechdel a journeyman lineman from Lock Haven; Eric Jacobs a troubleman from Lock Haven; Tim McWilliams a troubleman from Sunbury; Corey Recla a lineman trainee from Wilkes-Barre;Jeremy Medash and Kyle Everitt both journeymen lineman from Wilkes-Barre; Kris Rech a journeyman lineman from Frackville. Myself, Rusty and Jane were at the event to support our Brothers, along with other Local 1600 members, family members and company reps.  We had no injuries and had a great time so that was a victory itself.  Our guys represented us well and we brought some trophies home!  Brother Aaron Hartley placed first in the Fastest Hurtman (Pole Top Rescue) and also claimed first place in the Fastest Speed Climb.  Brothers Ken Andreas, Tim McWilliams and Aaron Hartley placed 2nd in the Journeyman Cross Arm Change Out competition.  This was a large event and the competition was fierce, Local 1600 leadership is proud of all 9 participants, great job guys and thank you for stepping up.  Thank you to everyone behind the scenes who helped make this possible both Local 1600 and PPL.  This is yet another fine example on partnering!


I serve on the Occupational Advisory Committee at the Northumberland County Career Technology Center and I am always looking for donations from companies for tools, material, money and anything to help the school and their students.  Talen Energy Montour Plant Manager John Weeks donated a large weld rod oven complete with welding rods included!  These students are our future craftsman and will benefit greatly from Talen’s donation.  Thank you.


Happy Independence Day!

Enjoy your negotiated paid Holiday!

In Solidarity,

President Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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