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I recently attended the AFL-CIO Utility Caucus in Harrisburg with fellow Business Rep. Ron Webb. One of the major topics of discussion was that Pennsylvania is considering joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI is a regional cap and trade program aimed at CO2 emitting power plants. Governor Wolf has ordered the PA PUC to develop and present regulation by July 31, 2020.

This could be harmful to the six remaining coal burning power plants left in the state which already are struggling with very thin margins.

Speaking of thin margins, the very mild weather we are having has kept many of our plants idle for long periods of time winter.



Talen –


20-MON-001 – Sick time

Arbitration –

19-MON-003 – Employee not brought back from LTD properly

19-MON-005 – Improper contribution to 401K

Withdrawn –

19-MON-004 – Employee not paid ratification bonus in 2018


Brookfield – 1st. _ Step Employee received excessive discipline



Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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