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Hello Sisters and Brothers,

The Holiday Season is upon us and with that comes celebrations, dinners, visits, Christmas parties and all that good stuff. Enjoy yourself, be safe and use a designated driver if you hit the eggnog!


Meanwhile at Local 1600 everyone has been super busy as you can see in the reps updates.  Some more notable issues we are working on would be the closing of the Marion Heights and Carbondale Service Centers.  We have been discussing this with Company representatives since the announcement.  We are hopeful that we can come to a resolution that complies with the Labor Agreement and is beneficial to all the workers/members impacted.


In Talen, the displacement of 5 stenos from Tower 6 is being addressed per Article X of the Labor Agreement.  The most senior steno became undisplaced due to some additional work creating one full time equivalent position.  The next 2 stenos retired with an enhanced package and the final 2 stenos at the Tower bumped into Martins Creek based on their Local 1600 seniority.  The 2 stenos bumped at Martins Creek are being handled in the Article X Placement Process at this time.  These situations are stressful to say the least, I think it’s safe to say we all agree we are much better because of our negotiated agreement, specifically the Article X Placement Process, it’s a safety net!

Nothing major to report at this time for Comcast, Brookfield Renewable Energy or the Borough of Ephrata.

Enjoy your negotiated Holidays!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Frank E.G.

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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