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It’s May and spring has finally sprung.  Many of us have started our warm weather rituals of mowing the lawn, gardening and other outdoor activities.  Please be safe when performing outdoor activities, drink plenty of fluids, wear sun block and wear the appropriate protective equipment.



An amended Summary of Agreement has been signed by the parties on 4/29/19.  A letter along with a ballot and a copy of the amended Summary of Agreement has been mailed to the members on 4/30/19.  An explanation meeting will be held on 5/16/19 with a vote on the amended summary to immediately follow.




A meeting was held to discuss the minimum entry requirements for the newly negotiated Facilities Electrician position.  We are reviewing the Company proposal to amend the minimum entry requirements


Discussions will begin in May for the parties to evaluate work practices and procedures for the Customer Contact Center.  The over use of contractors for the CCC is still a big issue.

Systemwide – PPL

In January the parties signed an agreement to revise the newly negotiation language for  Substitution of Paid Time for Unpaid Absences from Duty or Unpaid Leaves of Absence (Article VIII, Section 4, Paragraph A).  Effective January 1, 2019 an employee taking an approved unpaid leave for illness or injury must first use all but 40 hours of vacation AND 8 hours of mini-vacation before taking unpaid leave.  This is a change since initially the language stated all but 40 hours of vacation and/or mini-vacation before taking upaid leave.  If you have any questions regarding this change please don’t hesitate to contact me at the Local Union office.


18CEN-008– Reassignment of Work – the Company closed the Schuylkill office and moved all BU employees to the Frackville office.  Local 1600’s position is this is a displacement and should follow the language in Article X.  The Company owes a response in 10 business days

18GO-023– unjust suspension – an employee was placed on indefinite unpaid suspension for an incident that occurred outside of work.  The Union proposed a settlement which the Company rejected. The grievance will be submitted for arbitration.


I will try to provide updates monthly (or sooner if needed).  For now enjoy spring, Cinco de Mayo, Happy Mother’s Day and Memorial Day

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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