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Hello Sisters and Brothers, the fall season is upon us and winter will soon be to follow. With that being said please take a moment to better avoid potential hazards while the changing seasons set in.
Hunting season and fall holidays are the perfect time to take an extra few seconds to make sure that potential slips and falls don’t have a less then happy outcome. It only takes a few seconds or a tiny distraction to become a “ I wish I did that differently “ moment. So please be safe and take the time needed for a positive outcome.

At this time we are awaiting the Arbitration ruling for a wrongful termination from SSES.
We are working on getting the requested arbitrations a date and scheduled from AAA
The company has offered a one-time voluntary retirement program for certain positions within the fossil organization, as more information becomes available it will be discussed with those members which the company determines to offer the program to. More to follow …
On going issues with the company taking mini vacation when you have no sick time left.. this issue seems to be expanding and general morale is suffering to say the least.

Continuing to work on the backshift issue. Multiple meetings have been held and are scheduled to be held within the next few weeks as we work to get the best possible outcome for those effected by this.
Scheduled GRMs that were postponed due to illness are being re-scheduled asap to avoid delay.

As always, when questions arise please reach out to your stewards and chiefs , they are the front line when issues come up and as always you can contact any of the Business reps at the hall.

In solidarity,
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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