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Hello Sisters and Brothers,

In a few short months the weather will hit the springtime season and the joys of summer will be upon us shortly thereafter, while this winter has been mild thus far, that can change at any moment, and we may find ourselves with shovels in hand removing the snow that so many like. I just want to take a second to bring up the subject of “know your surroundings “ it easy to lose track of the stress and physical exertion not to mention the many obstacles with doing the simple things.  Slippery steps, unseen uneven sidewalks or the thin sheet of ice beneath our feet just below the snow we are removing.

It only takes a minute for something to go wrong and only a minute to survey the task at hand ahead of time.

Our members at SSES have the upcoming outage in the near future and it is scheduled to be the fastest one in a very long time. Please stay as vigilant as we always are and have a safe and uneventful outage.

Also, I had the privilege to meet the newest class of Helpers at PPL. It was a pleasure and I look forward to seeing them again in the near future.

Working on getting the 2nd step grievances held in abeyance completed. This has proved to be harder than you would think with getting the schedules of those needing to be in attendance in alignment. but they will be completed as soon as possible. Some of the topics are as follows:

Unjust termination
Unjust mini taken for sick time
Incorrect vacation allotments
Incorrect sick time allowance
Incorrect step placement
Unjust RBP

Also please let me know if anyone is having issues with the new third party administrators for time off, FMLA or any other issues that are had with New York Life.

Backshift discussions are on going we hope to have more information to put out very soon.
Issues with the use of contractors on an extended basis
Staffing issues outside of the line department which has started to head in the right direction.
Service techs having their work contracted out.
I agreed to an extension of the MA for the lab/assembly position with the agreement to meet in March to discuss the position needing to be a full-time opportunity. This extension is for 6 months.

Stay safe.
In solidarity
Ron Webb

Terry Elekes

Author Terry Elekes

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